English to Lithuanian technical translatorTechnical translations from English to Lithuanianenglishlietuviskaitraduccion de espanol a lituano
English to Lithuanian technical translations

English to Lithuanian user operation manual translation

The Translator

In 2002 I start studying in Vilnius University’s faculty in Kaunas, the second biggest city of Lithuania. I finish my studies of English language, literature and translation in 2006 and receive my BA, while already working from my flat as a freelance translator from English to Lithuanian.

The first steps in the profession are difficult and money is scarce – I barely make a dollar per hour, due to my inexperience and slow work pace. However, after the first year, I start gaining knowledge, and focus more on the areas I enjoy – mechanical engineering, user manuals, and information technology. I start to refuse jobs in the fields of medicine, law and economics – which, as I find out, are not my cup of tea.

By specialising I gain more and more experience in the technical field, and I do not waste neither my time, nor your money, translating material which I am not fond of and which I fail to comprehend. This allows me to provide my clients with a better quality translation and service every time. If you are looking for a dedicated technical translator, you came to the right place.